Your Body ... the incarnation of you

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I have this picture on my screen saver
right now - it speaks of joy, of the
celebration of life, of silliness, of the love of a grandfather for his grandson and of a little boy who adored his "Grand-poop". Read More...


Aimee said...

Beautiful! Our bodies are our vessels in this life. I need to more fully embrace mine.

So sorry to hear about your father :( My heart breaks when I hear news like that. Can't people just be with us forever and can't we all just die at the same time? He sounds like such a wonderful model.

Whit said...

I just got wonderfully lost in your writing, and it was amazing, powerful and left tears in my eyes. Glad you are back to writing. Enjoy your sabbatical :)

The Weed said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. What a beautiful post.

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